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  • JoeG4
    Mar 31, 02:56 PM
    lol damn what a bunch of crap.

    Google is saying that Honeycomb was designed for tablets, not for mobile phones - and if you've actually used a honeycomb tablet you'd see that yea.. it's more of a computer/tablet thing than a phone thing.

    The phone OS isn't that much of an iOS ripoff. Samsung ripped Apple's "grid of rounded off square icons" off but if you look at vanilla Android it doesn't really have that look.

    That and home screens with icons in a grid are nothing new.

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  • Hellhammer
    Apr 9, 01:29 AM
    TDP != Max power draw

    It's not. See my earlier post in this thread. Maximum power dissipation is usually 20-30% more.

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  • leekohler
    Mar 3, 10:53 AM
    I'm not conflating them. See post 129.

    Don't compare them either. There is a huge difference between what homosexuals do and what pedophiles do. You're the one getting on people for not comprehending language. I suggest you take your own advice.

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  • mccldwll
    Apr 27, 08:53 AM
    And once again people give Apple a pass for something that is clearly an issue.

    You mean to tell me that Apple, a company that seems to release fairly solid software, "neglected" to test that when disabling an option called LOCATION SERVICES, that it actually disabled location checking properly? Are some of you really so Jobsian?

    Call a spade a spade. There's no possible chance this was a mistake. They got caught. They should not be given a pass over it. If a user opts to disable Location Services, they were working under the false impression that their location was no longer being tracked. Seems mighty shifty to me. Doesn't matter how much data might have been user-identifiable. This sounds like something Google would do, not Apple.

    Please get someone who understands cell technology to explain this to you.

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  • satty
    Jul 20, 08:38 AM
    Not that I wouldn't mind more processing power :D ...

    but to me it doesn't make much sense for the majority of tasks/applications.

    There might be rare exceptions in the professinal area and of course it makes lots of sense for a server, but for a single user machine?

    Whatever, bring them on... in this case I like to be proven wrong.

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  • DeathChill
    Apr 7, 10:29 PM
    me too! I wanna learn!

    How does withholding stock from the public aid a company? I can imagine holding them till everything is registered in their system and accounted for. But turning people away when they actually do have stock doesn't sound like a good business practice to me
    I read over at TechCrunch that it was to meet daily sales quotas, which is to benefit the store manager, mostly. They look better for hitting/beating their quota everyday, regardless of whether or not it is actually at all helpful to Best Buy.

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  • dongmin
    Sep 19, 10:02 AM
    It gets annoying. Why? Because it's true and most people don't want to admit it.

    In a few cases here and there, the extra processor power/speed is going to help. But for a majority of people buying a MacBook, they're not going to be burning home-made DVD's, doing intense Music compositions, or using it for hard-core gaming. They're going to SURF and WRITE.

    As for the "resale" value, again, most people who are buying a used MacBook are NOT going to ask "is it a Merom?" They're going to ask how nice the case is, how much use it's gotten, and how much it is, and that's it.

    Everybody likes to play "ooo, I'm the hard-core computing whiz and I need the BEST out there", but I bet you if you took an honest poll out there of everyone who's answered this thread, you'd find at least 75% these Apple fans have no need for for the extra speed, they just want it because it's "cool" and "fast" and it's the latest thing out there.While you make some valid points, you overlook others:

    1. As soon as the new model comes out, the older models will drop in price. So even if you aren't getting the fastest and greatest, even if you're buying the lowest end MBP, you'll benefit from the price break.

    2. MBPs are expensive computers. You're investing in something that you'll keep around for 3-4 years. I want to future-proof my computer as much as possible. Features like easily-swappable HD and fast graphics card will affect "the average user" 2+ years from now (pro'ly sooner) when everyone's downloading and streaming HD videos and OS X has all this new eye-candy that will require a fast graphics card.

    3. There are other features than just a 10% increase in CPU power that we are hoping in the next MBP, including a magnetic latch, easily-access to HD and RAM, and better heat management. Certainly the average Joe will be able to benefit from these features, even if all you do is word process and surf the web.

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  • moonzilla
    Jul 27, 12:08 PM
    i think it's safe to assume that Apple will be making an effort to differentiate the Macbooks and the MBP. As of right now, other than the video card, and backlit keyboard, there doesnt seem like a solid reason to fork over an extra 800-1200 bucks. i expect Apple to use the core2 for this purpose. put merom only in the mbp, and force the power-hungry users to upgrade to the pro model.

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  • FreeState
    Mar 2, 09:54 PM
    Why is most straight people assume that gay people do all those? I'm gay and I don't do a thing in that article. I know.. I'm boring but hey that's not the point.

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  • Nuvi
    Apr 11, 12:50 AM
    He's also the guy that headed up Adobe Premiere. Sure, the iMovie revamp wasn't a high point but the guy laid the foundations for two of the three most popular NLE's so he can't be all bad. ;)


    And if Randy / Apple screws it up then we can always do this (

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  • paulvee
    Aug 18, 06:45 PM
    My 3.0's shipping date just changed - for no obvious reason - from 8/20 to 9/19. One month. Clearly, something just got snagged in the supply chain.

    Anyone else have this?

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  • radiohead14
    Apr 19, 03:46 PM
    honestly i don't understand Company Obsession.

    Its fine to love gadgets, regardless of company, but to be blindly following a multinational corporation whose only motivation is $$$ for its shareholders, its kinda retarded.


    AMEN! ...ahem.. I mean +1 :D

    side note: it's silly that I have to state that I own a bunch of Apple computers/devices when I criticize Apple.. or else I'm in danger of being called a "troll".. I think that those who call others "trolls" are either immature, or have nothing to really add to the discussion.

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  • Tymmz
    Aug 8, 01:09 AM
    Nothing impressive really... top secrets should be good.

    Time Machine is ok. It looks awful for an Apple product, what is up with that background? Ugly.

    I totally agree, it looked quite ugly.

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  • GFLPraxis
    Mar 31, 02:23 PM
    John Gruber's take:

    So here�s the Android bait-and-switch laid bare. Android was �open� only until it became popular and handset makers dependent upon it. Now that Google has the handset makers by the balls, Android is no longer open and Google starts asserting control.

    Andy Rubin, Vic Gundotra, Eric Schmidt: shameless, lying hypocrites, all of them.

    Can't say I disagree.

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  • hyperpasta
    Aug 5, 05:53 PM
    why no mbp? its a pro machine so shouldnt it be updated?

    The upcoming MacBook Pro is expected to use a chip known as the Core 2 Duo, versus today's Core Duo. Code-named Merom, this chip will not ship in volume until later this month/early next month. Therefore, IF a Merom laptop is shown, it will not ship for month(s). It is much more likely that we see new Macs using the desktop version of the Core 2 Duo, which is codenamed Conroe and is already being readied to ship as I write this.

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  • freeny
    Aug 7, 04:05 PM
    Guess we now know what this was all about now.. (Web Clip)

    Out of all the predictions I think I was the closest (post #29):cool:
    perhaps this button will produce a widget for the page you have open? sort of like having your favorite sites in your dashboard? you wont need to open safari to check your sites or even wait for someone to create a widget for the site. safari will author its own widgets.
    Even better would be the ability to frame just the part of the site you want to see like a weather bar or team score using a cmd+shft+4 like command..... any takers?

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  • anim8or
    Aug 27, 02:26 PM
    I really hope that they keep the option for a matte screen open when the upgraded MacBook Pros finally arrive.

    I have been waiting a while now to upgrade to a MacBook Pro but have held off primarily as i would like to see if the enclosure gets a few nips and tucks a la Macbook!

    The switchable HD bay would be awesome, and the magnetic latch and updated keyboard also would be nice but PLEASE DO NOT make glossy screen a standard on Pro notebooks!

    I have a few friends who own PC laptops with glossy screens and all of them have keyboards imprinted on their screens! I cannot say from experience if this happens with the MacBooks but i'd rather not risk it....

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  • bedifferent
    Apr 27, 09:57 AM
    Then why are you telling me to worry about Japan and the jobless americans instead of the iPhone location database that Apple needed to address and did to my satisfaction ? :rolleyes:

    Newsflash, I can do both and did!

    What does this have to do with priorities ? Like you said : I can do both.

    No, you didn't.

    What was your point really ?

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; fr-fr) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Why do people care? I have nothing to hide, and I'm surely not enough "important" for Apple to track me step by step!

    This was my point (and I think I was pretty clear when I mentioned priorities and reality). If you don't agree, move on, no need to get your panties in a bunch, just don't comment (I'm sure there are a lot of comments you disagree with so why are you gunning for me?). Moving on here, better things to do and this is a pointless matter you're making into an argument...

    You gots some demons in you chil'...

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  • canucksfan88
    Mar 26, 03:44 PM
    does anyone else thing launchpad is the worst idea yet?

    Sep 13, 02:00 PM
    I think you've misunderstood. Merom/Conroe/Woodcrest are one microarch now. That's Intel's point -- the core is essentially the same.

    Conroe and its derivatives are a step away from Intel's former flagship NetBurst, but even these processors are a bit of a dying breed: during Intel's shift to 45nm, the company will no longer focus on derived microprocessor cores in favor of refined unified core architectures.
    So what do you think they meant with M/C/W being a derived arch and Penryn,etc being unified archs?

    From what I understood, they'll stop having different characteristics (FSB,RAM,Cache) and instead just differentiate them with MHz and core count. Hence all the stories that future Intel chips (starting with Penryn I presume) won't use FSB.

    Apr 6, 07:10 PM
    'With the release of Sandy Bridge, Intel upgraded the performance of their integrated graphics chipset. This was good enough for Apple to offer in their latest 13" MacBook Pros, so we expect it will be good enough for the upcoming MacBook Airs as well.'
    - per 'Macrumors'

    ;) Apple could impress the hell out of me by not only upping the CPU horsepower of the new MacBook Air line, but in not downgrading graphic performance, such as the 13" MBP suffered. What is it about the term 'good enough' that sticks in my craw when describing an Apple product, which is supposedly a superior product, and certainly is in price?

    While at it, by way of actual 'improvements,' how about the option of the MBA in black?

    Aug 6, 08:48 AM
    Does anyone think the recent "problems" at Apple are going to have any effect on what happens Monday.


    If there are products that are they "maybe" list, this might put them on the "go" list. Big news pushes stock prices up and pushes the "problem" stories on page 2.

    You might be right..

    Other than that I find it amusing that "One more thing" is now a mainstream thing.

    Aug 26, 04:48 PM
    You're screwing up, intel. We don't want 300 trillion transistors on a 1 nm die. We want longer battery life. Idiots.

    But there's no die size change here....

    and doesn't transitioning to a smaller process usually mean improvements in that department anyways?

    Next die change is the 45nm Intel Core Microarchitecture "Penryn" core for mobile- mid-2007 or thereabouts.

    Apr 25, 01:32 PM (

    In what shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, Bloomberg briefly reports ( that a lawsuit has been filed in U.S. federal court targeting Apple over privacy concerns ( related to location information being stored on iOS devices and in backups for those devices. The lawsuit is almost certainly the first of many regarding this issue.Apple Inc. (AAPL) was sued for alleged privacy invasion and computer fraud by two customers who claim the company is secretly recording and storing the location and movement of iPhone and iPad users, according to a federal complaint filed today in Tampa, Florida.As we noted earlier today (, Apple CEO Steve Jobs has reportedly replied to a customer email denying that Apple is tracking its customers and labeling the claims being widely discussed as "false".

    Article Link: Federal Lawsuit Filed Over Apple's Location Tracking in iOS (